General information
for new and prospective members of the Del Monte Brass
Band members who are not members of the military or military families and who do not already have access to the Naval Postgraduate School campus must fill out an application to receive an access card which will allow them to attend rehearsals and events on the base. Detailed instructions for filling out and submitting the form are available on the Gate Access Page of this website.
During most of the year, the Del Monte Brass rehearses on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:00 PM and on Fridays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 PM in the King Hall auditorium (click for a campus map). There is usually a two or three week winter break and a longer summer break. In addition to quarterly performances at the Naval Postgraduate School graduations, we also perform at military balls and community events throughout the year. Detailed information about our upcoming rehearsal and performance schedule can always be found on the next event page. Members can let us know of their availability for all performances by sending an email to the webmaster or by filling out the RSVP form.
Our music director, Rob Klevan, sends out an email to all members several days before each rehearsal, listing the music that will be practiced that day. Music may be obtained at rehearsals, but if you prefer to print it at home so you will have time to practice it before the rehearsal, all of our music is available online. When you go to the music files for the first time you'll be asked for a password, which is updated annually and is only available to members. Please email the webmaster or ask any of our members for the password. You will be given a black music folder at your first rehearsal. (If we forget to give you one, please ask!)
Dress for performances usually consists of either black pants or jeans, and a short or long sleeved collared polo shirt with the Del Monte Brass logo. All new members receive a short sleeved shirt at no cost before their first performance. If you would like to purchase a long sleeved polo shirt, please go to our online store. The store also has DMB jackets and long sleeved t-shirts. (The t-shirts are not for performances - we prefer that you wear a collared shirt for those.)
Email addresses for our music director and members of the band steering committee are listed below. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions or if there's anything we can do to help get you started.